Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
Wyposażamy Biura
Office furniture
Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Pharmacy in Estonia | System EGO | NUT

Pharmacy in Estonia | System EGO | NUT

Spacious, light, organized interior pharmacy is our latest realization, based on customer design. It includes classic metal shelving system, shop system EGO and functional slatwall NUT. Inside dominated by white colour. The EGO - wall shelving with back

2014-05-14Read more »

Modern furniture for shops in our offer

Modern furniture for shops in our offer

Anthracite RAL 7016 shade and chocolate stone pine is the leading colour in this realization. Classic and very durable - metal shelving painted in trendy anthracite colour. Stone pine chocolate is laminated board used for shelving and counters in

2014-05-07Read more »

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